Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I've been thinking lately about my body. I know that sounds weird or conceited or....something. But I mean it in a good and healthy way. I think.

But seriously, there have been many things lately that have made me realize how much I can do with the body I have been given. Does it do everything I wish it could? No. But it does everything I need it to. And more than I even thought.

I don't think I'll ever be a runner. In my head, I'm a runner, but my body disagrees.

Ballerina? Gymnast? Figure skater? Probably not. I've pretty much let those things go. Except when it comes to Olympics season... *pines to wear glittery outfits*

Anyway. I've learned how much I put my body through lately.

Like hauling my butt all over England and Wales, along with too much luggage, on often sore feet every day for 2 weeks. And I loved every minute of it.

Like working 8-10 hour days on my feet every day after said trip while semi-jetlagged. Accomplishing that and catching up on everything was nothing short of a miracle.

Like doing repetitive motions all day for the sake of a fancy VIP dessert, leaving my already weakened hands and wrists feeling like aching limp noodles. They've recovered. Mostly.

Like pushing it to the limits with frequent yoga sessions, which I now love and crave.

Whew. And that was just in the last few weeks. My body was able to do all that and I am extremely grateful. I truly have been blessed and I am trying my best to keep that in mind in my lower points.

I can walk. I can run (sort of). I am perfectly capable of fulfilling all my duties at my rather physically-demanding job. I can hug my family whom I love. I can see, hear, sing, speak, smile, and I see now all these things are a gift.

One last, more sobering reason for my collection of thoughts. I was driving down the canyon late after work and yoga today when I saw at least 6 cop cars flashing their lights on either side of the canyon road. Next I saw the beige-ish 4-door sedan sitting on it's roof by the side of the road, broken glass scattered everywhere. I don't know if anyone was injured, but I suspect they may have been.

Not long after that, I turned off the canyon road toward 9000 s and as I approached the intersection at Wasatch Blvd, I saw a Silver pickup truck sitting in the middle of it. Then I saw the bicycle on its side in front of the truck and a half dozen people huddled around a figure on the ground. I suspect that  a bicyclist vs. Automobile accident had just occurred minutes before. The girl at the wheel was clearly sobbing and the police hadn't even arrived yet. Two lives changed forever in a split second.

Will the bicyclist ever walk or bike again? Will that girl live with the guilt the rest of her life? Can a person walk away from a roll over accident unscathed? I don't know if I'll ever get these answers. Thankfully, I was just a bystander, but it made me realize how fortunate I am.

Those affected by tragedy today will be in my prayers tonight. Count your blessings. I know I am.

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygoodness, those are sobering situations indeed. It's mind-boggling how lives can change so suddenly.

    And, it's true, things like that really can put a lot of life into perspective. We don't ever really appreciate what we have until we're forced to confront others who are not so fortunate, or on the verge of becoming so.

    But you're right - we really do need to let ourselves acknowledge this more often.

    And, on a lighter note, this line made me laugh: "I can run (sort of)." I'm the same - not really a runner. The only time I ever run is for buses, hehe. Let's hope we're never caught in a zombie apocalypse.

    Also, love the baking photos. I think it's so cool that you're pursuing your dream.
