Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hold On to Dreams

Words to live by. Dream on. : )

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  1. Helen Keller said, "Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." She also said, "Knowledge is love and light and vision." Regarding hope, she stated, "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence."
    She was a smart lady. Given the difficulties she faced in her life- no sight and an inability to hear- the only way she could continue moving forward was to believe in the best...
    From her, I've learned that the only way to live life is with hope... which is faith... which leads to knowledge. Hope can make you feel out of control and yet it is the one thing that keeps moving us forward when we don't dare take a step. Hope requires strength of character and you've got that dear girl. Never give up hope, it's a gift given directly to us from the divine.

  2. Great quote! Thanks for sharing! I have missed a few posts. I loved your birthday post. It made me cry. We all miss you SO MUCH!! I love that you are exploring life on your own & making it all work so well. I know you've had some rough times while you've been so far away, but you are stronger because of them. I think about you often & I love you so very much dear sister. Keep dreaming! There are AMAZING experiences in store for you!

  3. p.s. I love your blog background! Beautiful.
