Monday, November 22, 2010

T-shirt Obsessed!!

So, I'm having a bit a brain-fart when it comes to blogging. I'm trying to write about Boston, but I've forgotten some stuff and keep getting distracted and crap. Frustrating!! the mean time, here's an easy post that hopefully won't bore you. Enjoy!

The Doors!! Love me some Classic Rock!! : )

The Hunger Games. Heck yeah!

More Classic Rock. Floyd, anyone?

Brings back good memories. 


Not mine! My sister's, but AWESOME.

Good cause. Look it up.

Ah...good times. Mostly. ; )

Newest one!!


Whoo!! Love it!!

Gotten many compliments on this one.

Super ladies UNITE!!


And just...yes. ; )

Hope you enjoyed them!! My collecting shows no signs of stopping. They make me happy!! Hope they do the same for you. 
